Time to get back to what I know works for me. Lost weight on the Low Carb plan, but let myself take the easy way out and gained it all back and more.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Low Carb Holidays - Keeping Everybody Happy
Friday, November 16, 2012
Technological Difficulties
WooWoo Alert: Then I realize that this whole thing happened during a Mercury Retrograde. I'm interested, but skeptical about this New Age stuff, but you have to admit, it's weird. Just saying.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Ketogenic Diet Apologies
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
My Amazing Abilities At Self Sabotage
I have astounded myself, yet again. After procrastinating repeatedly about doing the glucometer ketones test, I finally set it up and calibrated it. The one screen I couldn't seem to change was the mg-mmmol. I still can't tell you if that makes a difference, because this morning was an EPIC FAIL on doing the test. First, I couldn't find the clear cap (maybe because it was clear and in one of several plastic bags in the package). Then I found it and had no trouble inserting the lancet. However, getting my hands warm took some time. I should have had a warm cup of coffee or two before and during this experiment. So now I'm already for the test. Hands warmer if not completely warm. First mistake. Not getting the test strip out and into the glucometer. Even after reading the instructions twice, I'm so intent upon the bloodletting, that I try that first. I think I was being a bit squeamish about it while I procrastinated for a couple of weeks. That made me want to jump to that part and get it over with first. So let me tell you, you need to set the lancet holder stabber device to 8. There's no 11. It's a spring loaded thing which you pull back on, position the clear cap and hit a button which releases the pin point. Doesn't hurt. I knew from reading
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Look What Little Old Boise, Idaho Has!
I'm really bummed, I schlepped all the way down to the fairgrounds and Idaho Expo, to try the Paleo Shack Food Truck at the Idaho Health and Beauty Fair today and it was closed due to technical difficulties.
I was really excited that there might be a healthy alternative at outdoor concert venues in the future. I'm tired of not being able to bring in food I can eat, and thereby being forced to eat junk food or do without. There are some outdoor concert venues that allow you to bring in food, but not beverages and some that don't allow coolers at all. If they don't allow you to bring in food, they should have the Paleo Shack Food Truck http://thepaleoshack.com/ available for their audience members. Hell, I think even some of the bands that are playing would dig it. It would work for vegetarians too, because they offer grilled veggies. How awesome is that? Check out their menu:
Monday, October 1, 2012
Wow, my first comment!
I had no idea I was on Jimmy Moore's list somewhere. Wow! I hope that doesn't mean I have to come up with break throughs in the low carb world. I will just keep posting what the experts say like Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes , and all the rest of the great people who are out there fighting for truth and sense after all the insanity of the Standard American Diet for the past thirty years.
I encourage people to read something by a low carb expert daily. That keeps me going and inspired. There are so many I won't go into that now. But does anyone else have friends who see the changes you've made and want your advice? And then a couple of weeks later they call you and tell you it isn't working and they still have IBS etc. and aren't losing weight. Or they ask you how you get over the cravings. They can't do it. But when you talk to them, they have not bought a book on low carb, or paleo, and they are not even subscribing to a low carb or paleo blog. What is that????
Friend: I've pretty much cut out all wheat and carbs. Well except for toast. I've gotta have my toast and cereal.
Me: You really need to get Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. Did you get a book?
Friend: No, not yet. But I see that you're posting some links to his stuff on Facebook.
Friend: No, I haven't had time yet.
And it goes on in this vein until you want to stick a pen in your neck. To me it's like giving someone a recipe and them telling you it didn't turn out the way yours did, and then they tell you that they didn't follow your recipe and want your advice. My advice is follow the recipe. Sure everyone tweaks things after they try things your way, but don't complain that it isn't working if you are not going to at least follow it once. Maybe it won't work for you, but it can't work for you if you don't give it a try the way it is.
On top of that if you can't invest fifteen or twenty bucks on a book that could improve your health, then don't waste my time asking me the same questions over and over again. Look up low carb. Read books. If what you've been told all your life isn't working for you, maybe it's time to ditch the conventional thinking for something based on, what? Perhaps science?? But ground your practice in information. Work your brain, first. Your body will follow.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Progress Pics
The above is a picture of me (I'm in the dark red shirt) about the second week of September of 2010. About 2 weeks later, I started back on Atkins.
This a picture of me taken the last weekend of April 2011 and I'm about 30 pounds down from September 2010.
This picture of me (in black blouse) was taken at the end of June 2012 and I'm 51 pounds down from September of 2012. Maybe the difference is not all that apparent in the photos, but I'm wearing much smaller size clothing than I was back then. I'll have to find the clothing I was wearing in that first picture and put them on and have a picture made.
So next week starts the new experiment. Now where did I put those strips for the ketones????
Friday, September 21, 2012
No Definitive Answer Yet On The Blue Light Blockers
Monday, September 10, 2012
Blue Light Blocking Glasses Ordered
When I started this journey towards health, I armed myself with a couple of iPhone apps for low carb eating. One of which gathers the best low carb blogs together. This, of course included Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb http://www.livinlavidalowcarb.com/ which is a great resource. I don't often listen to podcasts, because I guess I'm more of a reader, and the question and answer thing seems slow to me. But I do listen once in a while when I'm really in need of a motivational boost. One of Jimmy Moore's more electrifying podcasts was with Dr. Jack Kruse. I immediately found Dr. Kruse's website http://jackkruse.com/jacks-blog/ and Facebook page and I also recommend these to anyone trying to go low carb or just heal themselves. Both Jimmy Moore and Dr. Kruse have compelling stories of their low carb, healthy living journeys. Just reading those will keep you going.
Dr. Kruse has introduced me to some radical ideas, that after consideration, make so much sense. I am barely skimming the surface of implementing these ideas, but I've taken the first steps. Dr. Kruse is a big proponent of normalizing your circadian rhythms. The science of it all can be overwhelming. I'd read that his wife wears goggles at night to help regulate her sleep cycle, but I just couldn't imagine wearing goggles to bed, or even an eye mask on a regular basis. That's because I'd either misread or not read the right passage, so I didn't understand that Dr. Kruse's wife was wearing blue light blocking glasses BEFORE going to bed. Then someone posted a comment on Dr. Kruse's Facebook page about how much the blue light blocking glasses helped. I still didn't get it, not really. But one day in boredom, I surfed the net and finally got it. Here's a quick article on the whys of blue light blocking http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/6/prweb9532967.htm. Blue light emitted from artificial light sources stops melatonin production. Wow! And so you don't wear the goggles or glasses to bed, you wear them three hours before you want to go to sleep. Whoa! Well now that totally makes sense. I get it now DUH! I just ordered some blue light blocking glasses, and I will let you know how that works for me. I went with the cheap ones, because $80.00 is lot to pay to try something out. The Amazon reviews said that the cheap ones work just as well, so what the hell, I'm in.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I Don't Even Know What I Weigh.
I'm good at ignoring things and just relegating them to someplace in the back of my mind. Yeah, sure, it says things to me now and again even from way way back there somewhere. But after many years of telling myself that I'm fine with my weight, the stars have aligned and I'm ready to get back on the low carb lifestyle. I have a new job and a lunch break. I didn't have a lunch break for a long time. It's fall and my lunch can stay in my car without getting fried..
if you don't believe me. So if you want to motivate yourself, sometimes a good dose of fear works. Yeah, I said it. But think about the positives, not only will you be losing weight, but you'll be getting healthier.
On another note, I've been stalled for nearly a year now. Not losing, but not gaining either. I have some ideas of what I should be doing to break out of this plateau, but sometimes a good book gives a person a new protocol to try. So I just ordered THE ART AND SCIENCE OF LOW CARBOHYDRATE PERFORMANCE by Volek and Phinney http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-Science-Carbohydrate-Performance/dp/0983490716. I know it involves using a glucometer and that people are saying it's the missing puzzle piece for low carb. I'll let you know.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
It's been a long time. I guess it just seemed so mundane to write with so little to report. Is that a good excuse for not blogging about a subject you are very passionate about? Not really especially if you consider yourself to be a writer at heart. Looking back I see now that a lot was happening, but maybe not as fast as I wanted it to. I am now down 51 pounds from where I started back in September of 2010. That's the good news. The bad news is that I lost that by September 24, 2011. So,yes damn it, I've not lost an ounce since. That's almost a whole year on a plateau!!! Okay, but there's good news in that bad news. That means I have maintained the weight loss. So that's good, right?
Here's what I know I should do, but haven't done. Strength training. Everything I've read says that you need to work on creating some muscle. Chronic Cardio just creates a calorie deficit which then signals to your body to slow down your metabolism. So it's better to go for a nice leisurely stroll than to walk for hours on a treadmill. Another benefit from NOT doing chronic cardio is that Chronic Cardio causes stress to your body which then produces cortisol which then adds on the pounds. So screw that! I bought the strength bands in October of 2011. I didn't even open the package until, I don't know, May of 2012. I just couldn't bust that move. So then I tried the triceps exercise with the lightest weight band, and I couldn't even move the damn thing. So I ordered a 10lb. stretch band. AND I still haven't tried it out. A lot of stuff was going on (excuse alert!). I was going out of town on two different trips, blah blah and boo frickety hoo. I guess I was thinking about motivation and I thought, maybe I should fire up that pathetic blog I started almost two years ago and get a move on to phase two of the whole healthy living thing. So there you have it. I will try to post often, just to keep myself moving forward. It might be at a snail's pace, but the Japanese have a thought process on moving forward called Kaizen. It just means that you try to make at least, at least, and again at least, the smallest possible step toward your goal each day. We in the west call it Baby Steps which is fine, but Kaizen just sounds a bit more warrior like to my western brain, so for motivation, I'm calling it Kaizen.